FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - desert tortoise care info
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Old 10-31-2011, 09:19 PM   #1
the gecko geek
desert tortoise care info

Okay, so my girlfriend has been BEGGING me for a tortoise for quite some time now, and I was thinking of getting her one for her birthday. A friend of mine's parents have a breeding pair of desert tortoises (and have all the licenses and permits as well) and he asked me if I wanted one. They are babies, he said the size of a gatorade bottle lid.

I have never had a tortoise before and was just wondering if anyone out there had any care tips for desert tortoises? I know they thrive out here in the desert but I don't think that sand, a hot bulb, and minimal water are the right tools I will need for the little fella.

Any help is greatly appreciated!