FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Beware of Credit Card Fraud from Sarah Gassett/ Chris Wanajaya!
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Old 12-02-2011, 11:50 AM   #19
Wow, so glad the snakes got back to where they belonged. Great job Jordan Russell!!!

I do have one or two questions: was the scam that whoever Sarah Gassett is, her credit card info was stolen and used by Chris Wanajaya to buy these snakes, or do you think Sarah Gassett was a completely false ID made to get credit cards (not an easy task, as far as I know?) and buy/sell snakes, or do you think Sarah Gassett was in on it and filed a fraudulant chargeback on the card?
(I am assuming the billing name for the credit card info was Sarah Gassett)

Also, did you get hit with fees on top of having the snakes' purchase price being taken back?

Thanks for warning us.