FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - First time with an ATB
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Old 12-11-2011, 04:08 PM   #2
I'm not an expert or anything but I'll give you what advice I can. I got my first ATB in 2001 and currently have a pretty decent variety, the majority of which were CBB. I do have 3 which were WC (or unknown origin, which most likely means WC).

General care, I keep my snakes all in one room which is heated. Ambient temps average 82 during the day and 75 at night, I do not provide any supplemental heat or hot spots (with the exception of gravid females, but on that note, I've only tried breeding once so far and it didn't take). I keep the babies in a tub set up with a hide, water bowl and garden fencing for perching. Adults are kept in plastic cages (I use barrs) with a water bowl and typically 3 perch options spaced through the cage. Babies and adults get fake plants to provide cover/security. I do have hides in about 1/2 my adult cages. ATBs don't perch all day like a GTP, on average they seem to spend about 1/2 the day on the ground or in the hide. ATBs generally prefer perches that have multiple points of contact, or crossing branches. Most will readily take f/t with no problems.

I consider amazons to be a display snake. Mine are only handled for cage cleaning, check ups or to be taken out for photo shoots. I do use a hook the majority of the time. I do not consider ATBs to be able to be hand tamed, I do have some that are generally tolerant of some gentle handling but even those after being out for 15-30 min will then start letting me know they want to be left alone. ATBs let you know by biting, peeing and musking. It really is about reading your snake and learning it's behavior and triggers. My WCs all pretty much want to take my face off. Their spunky attitude is part of the charm (imo).

Some tricks to keep in mind, ATBs are attracted to heat, keep them away from your face. They WILL strike at hot breath! Some people use gloves, but I think if you want to try to get them used to you, don't bother. If I'm going to pick one up, I usually wait until they are sleeping, especially if on the ground and scoop them right up. Sometimes rinsing your hands in cool water will help as then there isn't as much heat coming off your hands.

Some people have had success with 'taming down' CBB babies and getting them used to gentle normal handling. I believe this is generally the exception to the rule but I don't want to give you the impression it's not possible, just not likely.

They are wonderful snakes with lots of personality, they can be quite active and fun to watch. I love them, they are my favorite species! Good luck with yours! Another great website that is dedicated specifcally to this species is: amazon-alliance.com plus it is full of wonderful eye candy