FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Federal Bill to Control Snake Problem
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Old 12-22-2011, 06:57 PM   #5
Originally Posted by ScarletKing View Post
Congressman Young is a right-wing douchebag; take a look at all the bills he's sponsoring or co-sponsoring - the only thing more one-sided than the article is congressman Young's political position.

Poorly written journalism from a magazine whose interest is whipping up emotions for its right-wing base? It was purposefully written at a level that most of the readers of the magazine would understand.

If you really want to understand the issue, just read the real articles by the scientists who have spent years researching the issue; a number of them who have lived in Florida for years, if not most of their life.

If you really want to
You are gravely mistaken if you think I don't understand the issues surrounding legislation against reptile ownership and the use of misleading or fraudulent information by activists, politicians, special interest groups and so on, to pass legislation restricting or prohibiting reptile ownership. I am also very aware of the fact that the Burmese population that has established itself in Florida is unrelated to animals imported for the pet trade. DNA tests done on captured pythons has shown the animals surviving in Florida are from a different locale imported for zoos and scientific research from Vietnam.

That said, the congressman in question is not sponsoring or co- sponsoring any legislation of the sort at this time. The article itself is typical of so-called journalism today and intended for political gain of some sort. Additionally if you think politicians leaning right are any better or worse than those leaning left, center or otherwise then you are drinking the kool-aid.