FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Eastern Indigo's
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Old 01-13-2012, 01:02 AM   #6
Vic Herrick
Wink Permits for D. couperi

Dear Allison,

An interstate commerce permit via the USFWS is needed if you buy or trade or sell an Eastern indigo over state lines. Some states require additional permits, and you should contact your State department of Fish & Game or its equivalent and inquire about Maryland. Try to get it in writing. If you buy from a breeder within Maryland the commerce permit from the USFWS is not needed. This permit cost about $100.00, and it is not difficult to get, but is tedious because you typically have to wait 6-12 weeks to get it, the delays are unexplained. I have been on both sides of the permit, both buying and selling, and it is not hard but it takes patience. Eastern Indigos are really fun, and once you get the permit(s), you will be glad you did and enjoy them. Because D. couperi is a Federally listed threatened species, they come under a lot of scrutiny and violations are serious, they play hard ball!... not worth messing around! Most responsible breeders will assist you with the interstate commerce permit if needed.

good luck, BTW, I think folks are overstating the hazardz of a Drymarchon bite, though they do indeed have formidable dentition. Mine are puppy dog tame, but they can get excited about feeding...Vic