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Old 03-01-2012, 08:03 PM   #30
Now, remember when this country was founded, it was by the pilgrims who were trying to escape religious persecution. It was founded on two principles, those being religious liberty, or being able to worship however your conscious dictates, and freedom from tyranny. The second beast of revelation starts out that way. It had two horns like a lamb, which are symbolic for those two principles, but later it speaks as a dragon. How does a nation speak? By it's laws. Our nation is now rounding that curve where it will begin to speak as the dragon. The religious right will get more and more powerful, and what they are really after is to take down the wall that separates church and state. Once that wall is down, they will be able to persecute whoever does not agree with them. Revelation says they will do it thinking they are providing a service to God, but the problem is they are worshipping according to the dictates of the Vatican, and by keeping Sunday and not the 7th day of the week set apart as holy, they break the 10 commandments. James 2:10 says if we break one, we break the law, so there will basically be two camps. One will be with sunday keeping and the other, smaller camp, will insist on keeping with the biblical sabbath on the 7th day, which was instituted in Eden, way before the first so-called Jew ever came along (I say so-called, because Abram was from Ur, and was Chaldean, so the race of Jew is actually a man-made entity). Eventually, that smaller camp will be blamed for all the problems that come along, and will be fined first, then imprisoned later, and eventually, death decrees will come for breaking the "sacredness" of Sunday. Remember, a leopard cannot change it's spots. The Vatican has a history of persecuting heritics by burning them at the stake. They have dungeons in the basements of their oldest churches. Why does a church need a dungeon. Read about the Waldenses or the Huguenots, and how they were massacred for disagreeing with the "state". Those who forget history are bound to repeat it. Oh, BTW, in case you are confused about thatb 1260 day period, remember in biblical times there were 30 days in every month; the only reason we have odd days now is because Julius wanted as many days as Augustus had in his month, etc... And for those of you who think we can't go back in time to figure out what the 7th day is, if you contact the naval academy of weights and measures, they will indeed confirm that every second has been accounted for. Also, some may say the calender was changed, and indeed, it was. In 1582, they took 10 days out, but Thursday, the 4th of October was followed by Friday the 15th, so you see, the weekly cycle can be traced back to the origins of our race in Eden, and the Sabbath and marriage are the only things in the bible that are both blessed and sanctified, and they were both done in Eden, and both are under attack today.