FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Fat People
Thread: Fat People
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Old 06-25-2004, 10:27 PM   #66
James Tyler, mind your words, those "massive tubs of lard" are human beings and DEMAND no less respect than anyone else.

Have you stopped for a second to use your brain and THINK about why they are like that????? NOT all people are just slobs who don't care and those who do most likely have a psychological reason for it.

Physical/medical issues can cause such extreme weight such as thyroid problems. They are trapped by the restraints of their own body and should not be riduculed but commended for surviving in a cruel world with people like YOU!

Others who have weight issues might also be inflicted with emotional, psychological problems that apparently you have no compassion for. When all hope is lost, comfort can be found in many places. Some turn to drinking, others drugs, and more so people eat. Thanks, but if i had the option of chosing a fat person or a drunk behind the wheel of a car i'd chose the fat person every time! They too are trapped within their minds and should not be ridiculed.

And then theres woman like ME.........a woman who has turned the heads of men, a woman who was once skinny and pretty according to your standards..............a woman who was then RAPED. Ya think for a second i wanted to be a woman who got the attention of men??????? Hell NO!!!!!!!! My depresssion from that lead me to find comfort in food rather than a gun to the head which many times i considered. I'm now 30lbs overweifght and i don't turn heads.......doesn't mean i won't be raped again but at least i don't have men gocking like i once did.

Instead of judging people at face value why don't you first consider they might have problems you can't comprehend and then put yourself in their shoes, to be harrassed and put down like you are doing now. I think if i saw what you looked like i could cut you up pretty bad, but i wouldn't stoop that low.
