FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Pennsylvania state law issues
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Old 03-11-2012, 02:58 PM   #34
serena wise
Pennsylvaia government is just as bad as any other state government, and sometimes the federal government. They all base their findings on what could be, and not what is.

I agree that as a general rule in Pa, that most reptiles are not going to survive our winter season, although this past season was a bit milder then usual. And that ferral cats and dogs do pose more of a health risk and danger to the general public on a daily basis then reptiles do.

Pennsylvania doest even enforce the laws that they have on the books now, and does not have enough knowledgeable staff to do so, so even if this bill passes I am not sure anything will come of it as far as enforcement goes for some time. I could be wrong, just my thoughts.

I don't personally care what animals or reptiles people own, and think that everyone should have a fair and equal right to keep and possess (RESPONSIBLY) any species of their choosing as long as it is done in accordance with the law (not illegally obtained, endangered and such). Pa has been a very easy state to obtain and keep just about anything, and I think they would have more pressing issues at hand with all of the venomous reptiles in possession and collections in the state, if they press issues to hard on the keeping of other reptile species.

I mean, in all honesty, and not picking on any one group, but have you ever been to the hamburg reptile show. I have seen large animals cramped in small containers, animals displayed in cracked or shattered aquariums, venomous species displayed in deli cups on tables that are easily accessible to small children, animals that clearly look unhealthy, animals of all kinds being sold to kids that clearly appear to under 18. I am sure that other shows are the same, but talk about RESPONSIBILTY, I am sure I am gonna take a nice hard hit on this one, but clearly I think the reptile community needs to take a look at some of the persona it gives off, and realize that it is some of our own actions that bring these bills to surface.