FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Which Fool Should I Vote For? Bush or Kerry?
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Old 06-28-2004, 09:46 PM   #18
How do you figure Bush has alienated himself from the right. He wants to take away the choice of a woman to have an abortion, and says that because one human being is attracted to another of the same sex that that person is not allowed to have the same rights that heterosexual couples have.
You say that a humans existence takes priority over an animals. Do you realize that, while superior, we are animals in the grand scheme of life. If we keep destroying habitat we will only destroy ourselves in time. It may take a thousand more years, but it will happen. There are other methods of energy out there, but while big oil has the power and influence it does, its going to be a while.
While you guys make some valid points, why doesnt anyone talk about Bush and his down side. He skipped out on the Vietnam war. He thinks because hes the Pres he can do WHATEVER he wants in the name of terrorism. And noone questions it. This war will only create more terrorists and was begun by the administration telling lies. I cant wait until hes gone.