FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - BIG can o worms!!! - Robert Bruce
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Old 05-19-2012, 10:40 AM   #44
I don't get it!

Here are my questions, as an uninformed outsider to the breeding ritual...

1. Haven't we done enough already? We have removed the habitat in which the indigo flourishes and now some are going to in a sense 'play God' and decide how to genetically manipulate the surviving members of the species. And intentionally not manipulating is indeed a manipulation in itself.

2. How do the individual breeders know that the pairs they started with were unrelated when they were WC in the first place? I have seen indigos bought and sold without attribution or any DNA info so how does one know even now?

I don't know enough to form an opinion either way, but I do remember the margarine ad from the 70's that said,

Announcer: "Chiffon's so delicious, it fooled even you, Mother Nature"
Mother Nature: "Oh, it's not NICE to fool Mother Nature!!"

And that sums up how I feel about this.