FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Dragons4you vs. Reptile basics rack
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Old 08-14-2012, 05:21 PM   #1
Question Dragons4you vs. Reptile basics rack

Hi All,

I'm planning on moving my small rosy boa collection to a rack and was hoping to get some feedback on the two racks I'm considering.

First option, the Dragons4you, ABS, 15/30Q combo rack (see it here: http://www.dragons4you.net/combo_page.html). PROS - I like the flexible tub options, shorter height, and the price is nice ($230 with heat tape added). CONS/? - I'm not sure of the material, never used ABS before, and I've seen some mixed reviews of Dragons4You on the BOI.

Second option is the Reptile Basics, Iris Sweaterbox rack (see it here: http://www.reptilebasics.com/iris-sw...y-or-back-heat). PROS - I've seen a lot of positive feedback on Reptile basics on the BOI, four shelves instead of 3. CONS - more expensive ($299 with belly heat option), taller, one size tubs and extra cost for tub dividers ($8.75 ea.).

Thanks in advance.
