FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Updated pics of some growers
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Old 08-29-2012, 12:50 PM   #9
Amanda, I wanted that mojave BECAUSE he is a male (I would have taken it either way, though). His first dates are with Mine and one of my first normals (the only one I kept)

I'm hoping he'll produce reduced mojaves with Mine (along with BELs - and I'll be interested to see what THEY produce). In a way, I hope that the two looks are separate, and both reproducible...but I'd be happy with an attractive combination of the two. A lot of people have commented that there's more than mojave there - about both of them; I kind of hope that isn't true...but it might be pretty cool if something weird comes out, too.
The normal girl seems to have a pattern that would work with the male mojo. I bred her two years ago, and some of her babies had a similar look (that was the year I lost all those eggs - her clutch was probably a few days from pipping, but morbid me cut the eggs to look at what was inside).