FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - QUESTIONS FOR THE FEMALE SNAKE-OWNERS
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Old 10-11-2012, 04:08 PM   #177
1. What type of snake(s) do you own?
I keep primarily ball pythons, but I have a few boas.

2. What sparked your interest in the particular snake(s) you own?
My interest in ball pythons is due to searching for an apartment friendly pet. I started with balls and have slowly been moving on to larger species, such as the boas.

3. Do you have help with your snake(s)?
(This is NOT a married/single question! Some of us have snakes & husbands/boyfriends that want nothing to do with them!)
Nope, it's just me.

4. How tall are you?
I'm 5'7".

5. Does your choice of snake have anything to do with your size/age?
That is part of it, but it has more to do with space constraints. I'd like to own some of the larger species some day.

6. Does your choice of snake have anything to do with your security/safety factor?
Initially yes, now I just love the color variation that comes with the ball pythons. Some day when I have help I would like to own a burm or a retic.

7. What is your age group?
Older than that, but none of your business!
None of you're business, no matter how old I am!

8. How many of you have had your love of the scaley ones ruin a relationship ?? Friend? Lover?? IN LAW??
Not yet thankfully.

9. Do you have an "if I die" list, of who gets, or what to do with the "collection" once you pass?
I don't, but I intend to leave a list of their estimated values so if I do die someone knows what they are worth.

10. Why do you keep the species you work with? What are your goals with them?
I love the color patterns that come with the ball pythons and my goal is produce something really cool. I love breeding and having the chance to hold back certain ones to improve my breeding stock. I think selective breeding is important.

11. Kinda got another one- any single ladies, how do you break the news to potential b/f's?
I try to be upfront about it. There is not point in avoiding it. I won't choose a stranger over my collection. I've worked too hard to build it.

12. How do your friends view your hobby / deal with your obsession?
Most of my friends also keep some type of reptile and the ones that don't just grin and bare it. I don't have too many of them asking to come over.

13. Were you considered a tomboy growing up?
I think so, I enjoyed doing a lot of "boy" things. Fishing with my dad was the best.

14. How long/from what age have you kept snakes?
I got my first ball python two years ago.

15. What is your dream snake?
A hypo burm.

16. What other snakes are on your "wishlist"?
I have a huge wish list that grows almost every day. While my focus is ball pythons there are very few species of pythons and boas I wouldn't love to get some day.