FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - ReptiCon Show in S.C. was burglarized last night!!
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Old 07-25-2004, 11:42 AM   #1
Neil Gubitz
ReptiCon Show in S.C. was burglarized last night!!

Tony Cueto (promoter of the Florida Shows) called me this morning to inform me that last night (Saturday), the ReptiCon show in South Carolina (run by Bill and Tina Russell) was broken into and EVERY VENDOR WAS WIPED OUT OF THEIR STOCK!!.... Hit HARD was George Ullman of over $11,000 in tortoises.... they made off with everyone's most expensive animals.... the police are there right now investigating.... There was NO overnight security!!

We wanted to get the word out immediately, because Tony thinks they are heading to Florida to unload this stuff.... obviously, if ANY OF YOU are approached to buy some expensive animals in the next couple of days, be VERY CAREFUL who you are dealing with....

If you have any information about this burglary, you can contact Tina or Bill Russell at 863-419-4868....

If you go to www.ReptileShowCrooks.com that site will keep the investigation updated every step of the way....
