FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - An Awful Adoption Experience
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Old 11-05-2012, 03:26 PM   #73
Originally Posted by ShadowAceD View Post
I do not think you get it.

People spend hours, days, weeks, months searching for the perfect dog for them. They fall in love with this animal and they want this animal and they want to provide the perfect home for them only to be denied for some stupid, unrealistic reason.

So, the person should just shrug and let it go? Move on to another rescue and spend more time only to risk heartache again? Do you know how crappy it makes a person feel to be denied a dog from a rescue? It makes you wonder what the heck you are doing wrong.

How is that fair?

The point being made isthere are rescues are sabotaging their animals' chances of getting out of rescue sooner. They are choosing to make the process far too complicated. This is a growing trend. I posted a good experience with a rescue earlier, I do not know if you saw that. But if a rescue had the best in mind for the dog, they would stop denying people over written words on a piece of paper or refusal to let a stranger come into their home and see their house.

Do you know how quickly I'd probably be denied if they found out I have 20+ boa constrictors? JUST because they are snakes?

There is clear bias, discrimination and snobbery evident in the "rescue system" at this point and it is only getting worse.

Maybe instead of having a stance where they seem to assume the worse in people, they should realize that the person willing to spend 150.00 - 350.00 on their adoption fees really gives a damn about the dog and wants it and will provide for it.

Maybe you didnt read the part where i put that some rescues will work with you on your application if they think something is wrong, and while some people are able to pay for the adoption fee, Rescues think far past the intial fee to adopt, they have to think about the emergency rescue bills that will arise should the animal become sick, or need surgery, if the owner cannot afford something like that, then they shouldnt be putting the animal in that position and should not have a pet. In this case it is better to have them be at rescue because emergencies can be addressed immediatly because they have the money to do it. Im sorry for people who have their heart broken over an animal they get denied to adopt, but you DO need to move on from it, because there are plenty of other animals that need a home just as much as any other, that should be the #1 reason why you adopt, because you want to give an animal another chance, not because its a specific breed/species of animal that you want. love shouldnt be discriminative in that definition, all pets deserve love.