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Old 11-08-2012, 12:53 PM   #83
Tyrel, all I can say is bravo! You were just able to do something that most on here (myself occasionally included) are incapable of. You were introspective and realized that you are not, in fact, perfect. I myself hope that you are not silent on here. That was not the point of my posts on this thread. I write much like you wrote on here when writing for school.

You just needed to learn that there is a way you speak during research, and a way you speak in the real world. I majored in psychology and am a grad student in a social work program. I speak much differently at school than I do in my personal life because if I spoke like that in my personal life, everyone would think I'm a bigger asshole than they already do. You can speak in an intelligent manner without speaking formally. I believe that Mark Twain proved that time and time again.

I realize that in this hobby, much of the general info genetic knowledge is technically wrong. I took several high level bio classes as electives. But as long as the person who is disseminating the info is getting the nuts and bolts of it correct, calling something co-dom rather than incomplete dom isn't a mortal sin.

Like a few people, myself included, have offered to you as advice, just chill out, come in and have fun. This is much more about enjoying the animals and the fruits of our labor than about the technical aspects of the stuff. What people have learned about boas over the years is that there is no perfect formula for success and that you do what you feel most comfortable with. The only way to find this out is by experimenting over time and figuring it out for yourself. If you want to make a blog about your experiences, great, but I don't know how many people are going to appreciate you making the forum your personal blog regarding your "boa research". Now, if five years from now you have stumbled upon something awesome and want to share it, that'd be great and I'd be appreciative to hear about it.

As a final note, congratulations on removing your head from the bodily orifice and speaking in a less formal manner.