FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Second Breeding Attempt
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Old 11-08-2012, 01:14 PM   #84
Thanks for that. I didn't mean that I'll be completely silent, I just meant I will probably do more reading than posting. That seems appropriate since I have so much to learn from you guys...

I tend to resort to formal speech when I'm uncomfortable. It gives me something that feels safe and familiar. I was uncomfortable because of my own actions, I'm just explaining why I spoke the way I did.

Part of the reason I'll probably stop updating this thread is because my plans have changed. Once I figured out I was the one acting poorly, I read back through the whole thread. You guys made several good points about breeding that I originally ignored or decided not to worry about. I have changed my plans since then.

Ambrosius will probably be breeding this year, but I'll stick to one female. I don't have an empty enclosure to put both snakes in, and I'm not willing to give my precious baby to Skyler for a few months because I'm paranoid about his well-being, but I have thought of a way that might work to help put them together on neutral ground. I would appreciate input on the matter from anyone with insight. I promise I won't act like you're stupid this time, lol. My bad.

If I were to put Ambrosius in his feeding bin, or just have Emily hold him in the snake room for a while, I could clean and sterilize his enclosure. This might help remove any hormones or pheromones that may mark the enclosure as an established male enclosure and could make it neutral ground for them to meet in.

I realize this is still not quite the accepted or normal breeding practice, which is why I'm asking what you guys think. If there's no way that I can bring in a female belonging to a different person and still have a decent chance of a breeding without bad things happening, then perhaps I'll just have to wait one more year.

What do you guys think?