FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Second Breeding Attempt
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Old 11-09-2012, 12:17 AM   #87
Thanks, and will do. Currently his website says release date is set for 11-20-2012, but then again they also said it would be out last month so we'll see what happens.

You're right, of course. You've been right the whole time. With how sketchy I was (am) on information I shouldn't have been breeding this year anyway even if I wasn't starting late into the season. That factor alone should have been enough for me to wait. Instead of getting defensive when you guys posted warnings I should have listened and thought about it... but what's done is done. At least I thought it out before any of my boas were injured or anything like that... And I really am grateful that you guys actually read my apology. I hoped you would, but after how I acted I kinda thought nobody would.

Thanks guys.