FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - first time Hogg Island Boa Breeder
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Old 11-21-2012, 08:10 PM   #87
You forget I'm not the one who crossed them with any hopes of making some freak animal.
I was misinformed when I murchased them.
I do however think it would be cool to keep this beautiful snake that I now have going.
They have amazing colors and if I were to add in another gene that were an enhancing gene, who knows how they will end up.
Maybe down the road I'll have an animal that is gorgeous and no one has even seen one like it.

I breed birds for an example. I bred fantail pigeons to doves, and worked for 8 years on the project. I now have doves that look like tiny white peacocks that are totally healthy to a cross in that specific animal.

I take care of all my animals.
Also, for the record, never said anyone actually said that. Was saying the way they were talking, they might as well have.