FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - FL Game Fish and Wildlife Conservation Holding Contest for Burmese
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Old 12-07-2012, 01:54 AM   #2
Why would you live trap them? Where in the world would they be housed?

I love snakes as much as the next person, but they do not belong there. It's no different than the bounties on Lionfish, Nutria, Asian Carp ... etc. etc.

They need to be removed from the Glades.

I do not believe them to be the plague they are portrayed to be, but it does not change that there should basically be open season on them year round.

The only thing stupid is holding the hunt in January. They attempted on in November and December a few years ago with poor results due to not being able to find any Burms in the winter.

Gee, go figure.