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Thread: Zimmerman trial
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Old 07-14-2013, 07:22 PM   #54
If he had done what a Neighborhood Watch person is supposed to do then he wouldn't have ruined his life or ended another persons life. While I know he had no intentions of killing he is responsible for what happened. This is what happens when you look for trouble. I'm highly surprised more responsible gun owners are not pissed at this guy. I can almost guarantee Zimmerman has spent many a sleepless night wondering why he didnt listen. Screw the whole black/white thing. This was one human that did the wrong thing. While I don't think he should have been sent to prison he should have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter with probation and loss of weapon. He is partially responsible for what happened. He is obviously some one I wouldn't want patrolling my area. Ears and eyes, That is what a neighborhood watch person does.