FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - I need my profile deleted ASAP please.
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Old 02-07-2014, 06:21 PM   #29
Originally Posted by Chiappini92 View Post
I want to leave with my account deleted, that means all posts will automatically be deleted with them. You know like how a regular forum works? I'm willingly letting you guys delete my account. Like seriously why aren't ya being reasonable.
I have told you that it is not going to happen. You can take that statement to the bank. Yes you can leave. Yes you can kick up enough fuss until you get banned from here. But your profile and the posts you have made on this site will remain, regardless.

Sorry if that appears to be unreasonable to you, but it is perfectly reasonable to me. This has been the policy of this site since the beginning, and you've got a LONG way to go to convince me otherwise. I won't say it is impossible, but unless you get a court order demanding that I do so, it's as close to being impossible as I can imagine.

And yes, I think I do know how a forum works. Do you? Do you know what happens to a thread when a bunch of posts are deleted from it? Imagine THIS thread if all of your posts were deleted. What do you have left? Go ahead, take a wild guess.