FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - The Most Dangerous Snake in the USA? Rattlesnake Study Provides Clue
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Old 03-13-2014, 02:10 PM   #20
Originally Posted by zookeeperfrank View Post
Hello, please understand that what one believes or feels is not material here...facts, based on real research, by professionals involved in the field, in research, with appropriate education and experience, offer the only reasonable guidelines.
While facts are facts, beliefs or feelings are very much relevant in whether and how much risk should be assumed by various parties that might come into contact with a venomous critter kept in an enclosure, professionally in a zoo/business or privately.

I have said before that those who are irresponsible represent a great risk to the public and especially to children who are naturally curious and tend to pick up critters who may have escaped inadequate housing. I do not believe the innocent and unaware should bear any risk from the actions irresponsible keepers.

How to arrange that is another can of worms, but that is what I believe.

On the other hand, those adults who are capable, who have professional grade enclosures and rooms set aside for housing would seem to risk only themselves.
People go skydiving and step out of perfectly good airplanes for fun. I think that is insanity (we are not talking military, we are talking for fun) and I would never do that in a zillion years but I am not prepared to tell an adult that they can't skydive because their parachute might not open.