FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Marty Made Cages
Thread: Info Marty Made Cages
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Old 05-22-2014, 07:05 PM   #4
Hello AbsoluteApril,
I am sorry Noob mistake for putting this in the wrong forum spot, I will endeavor to pay more attention as I become more familiar with my surroundings. Do you need me to move it to the correct spot or will you (I am thinking your an Admin on the site) move it? I am sorry for any time this has taken away from you also, that's what I get for late night posting.
I also love your Tick icon SPOOOON!

@Casey Hulse Thank you for the response. Marty seems like a very nice person and has the experience behind him. I only wish that there where more pet stores (not just chain stores) around still and then maybe I would be able to have easier access to his product. I do not live in a remote area I am just on the edge of Toledo Ohio so its a big city and the petsmarts and petcos have driven all of the local pet stores (save a few fish stores) out from here, just sad.