FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Evolution and venomous snakes: Diet distinguishes look-alikes on two continents
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Old 06-17-2014, 12:19 AM   #27
IF I truly believed I evolved from a monkey that wasn't a monkey, but it sure looked like a monkey. IF I did not fear for the afterlife or fear a God, or fear my Government.

Then..... I am pretty sure I would be having uncontrollable sex (Like a bearded dragon!) with any female willing. I am pretty sure I would handle my arguments and disputes with fighting or killing...
Even if BOTH seem far fetched... Ill bet my money and FAITH on the second option. It gives me more reason to wake up and do good everyday.
There you have it, folks, the true genius behind religion. He's not a good person because he wants to be; he simply fears divine (or legal) retribution. While religion (and government) has shown that fear is a powerful motivator, it's also shown that that trust should only go so far. I have much more "faith" in those who are decent for decency's sake; as opposed to one who simply suppresses their baser instincts out of fear of being smitten. For me, cowardice doesn't inspire much confidence.

You're doing nothing more than justifying my low opinion of your mental faculties. Keep on going. Your inability to grasp what's in front of you doesn't do a thing to discredit it. Again, wow... Seriously, though, *unsubscribed*. Go ahead and have your last word. Based on every other one I've read, I won't be missing anything even vaguely insightful or useful.