FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - My "Rare" Venomous Snakes
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Old 08-16-2014, 09:09 AM   #68
So I had to decide which cobra species to keep due to space restrictions. Aside from the N.kaouthia morphs and the water cobras, which I keep, I choose the Naja samarensis, the Samar Cobra.

These animals come from the Samar Island in the Southern Philippines. Although they are true spitters, adults rarely do so and this is a nice spitter to work with. Also, their colors are so amazing, this just makes them the most beautiful Naja species in my opinion and they stay around 3ft range, less than a meter in most cases. The only problem with them is their 'attitude'. These guys are always angry and they do not take prisoners. Someone I know used to say that if they were 6 ft instead of 3, we would probably be all evolved from them .

Ok, here is my female, which is a whopping 1.3 meters, very large for this species:

And my male, which is much smaller:

And here is a feeding video: