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Thread: Carrot Tails
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Old 09-30-2004, 11:45 AM   #80

I understand your frustration but I think you misunderstood my intentions. I can't speak for anyone else, but I was not ganging up on you. I was just trying to explain the facts and honestly it appeared as if you were the one not comprehending. It's perfectly fine for you to have an opinion about something and to disagree with me or anyone. Just like it's perfectly fine for me to have an opinion. If I see an opportunity to set some facts straight here, I am going to do that.

this is what i mean by inflated ego , someone that is arguing , just to argue , because they are so sure someone else is trying to challenge what they know
I was not arguing just to argue. I was trying to set the record straight, for you and others that may be reading.

If you got pissed off at that that's fine too, you have the right but saying that you think the forum should be renamed the "Kelli Hammock inflated ego forum" (it's spelled Hammack BTW :-)) is going a bit too far IMO. I don't think someone that has an inflated ego would spend half her days on the phone with people trying to teach them all she knows about leopard geckos. You can call me anytime Dan, if you ever have questions. Even though you have insulted me publically on this forum I would still help you out if I thought I could. That's the kind of person I am, and no matter what your opinion of me is, it's not going to change the way I am, just like it's not going to change the facts of this entire discussion. Take care.