FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Which Fool Should I Vote For? Bush or Kerry?
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Old 10-04-2004, 09:24 AM   #99
Neither man if elected will choose to weaken the military, PERIOD. Think about it, why would they. Kerry has already said he plans on adding two divisions.

That being said, what disturbs me the most about Bush's plan(s), is the fact that he is going to bankrupt just about every social program there is while trying to accomplish his goals. If you as president decide that we just have to go invade Iraq and spend $200 billion to do it, why in the H-E-double-hockey-sticks are you giving people tax refunds? Why are you cutting taxes for corporations? By doing so, Bush has run us so far into deficit spending that it will literally take decades to get out.

I can live with the decision to go, (I don't agree w/ it, or it's supposed reason), but I can't live with the fact that we'll be paying for it for the next 100 years because of the way it's been done.

I think the last debate was a minor victory for Kerry. But, what kept it a minor debate was the fact that there cannot be a major difference in the way that Iraq must now be handled and both men know that. We broke it, and now we have to fix it.

The next debate, the one covering domestic policy, will be very different. Bush swears the economy is "strong and getting stronger." He will not waiver from that veiwpoint. Even when presented with the facts that he has lost more jobs than any president in the last 75 years, he swears he's done a good job. This election will come down to who actually shows up to vote. If it's the rich, the religous right, and for some reason I haven't figured out yet, the old folks, Bush wins. If Kerry is successful in convincing the rest of the people, that this country really can't afford another 4 years of mortgaging the future, and that they really do need to get out and vote, he will. The poor and underpriviledged greatly outweigh the rich. Unfortunately, the first group is usually more able/willing to vote.

Neither man is Hitler, but Bush's tunnel vision, and unwillingness to admit even the smallest mistake ever, will lead us down a path that will futher alienate us from the rest of the world. I know many of you think that the US can stand on it's own, and the rest of the world be damned. But, I think the events of 9/11 prove that's not a very good idea. No matter how strong we are, we cannot make ourselves invunerable. His domestic policies benefit a very small portion of our society, and will eventually cripple our economy even worse than it already is.