FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Trader Rating vs Sponsor Status
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Old 10-23-2014, 06:58 PM   #1
Trader Rating vs Sponsor Status

amicably AbsoluteApril suggested the discussion would be suitable for the General Business forum, so i'm posting it here.

Trader Rating, or Sponsor Status?

i'm a newbie (1 week) here and have only a couple fauna to care for (am more a flora fanatic=).

but, this forum is chock full of pics of and info about the husbandry of many, many beautiful critters!

i already find myself checking out the Classified quite often several times a day and even enquired on some of the individual animals advertised. the one i most liked so - the 'White 5inch Pardalis Leopard Tortoise' - (offered by a 'Vera'; i dont recall the FCer's username, but think they did have a Trader rating of 1 rather than 0) was full of stunning pics but the ad disappeared almost as quick as it posted.

did it sell that quickly? or did the lister quickly change her mind? or, was it flagged/deleted that quickly by forum staff?? or maybe it's still there somewhere but i'm just kinda blind. no i'm not so much asking what exactly happened to it, but more wondering how often that happens here and if i'll eventually get 'burned' in an animal purchase from here or heck, anywhere online for the matter.

until i found this forum last week, i more relied on limiting myself to local ads on CList and the like but there are hardly any rare exotics on there that tickle my fancy.

anyways, can anyone chime in? which one has more bearing on a vendor you would be more apt to buy from/trade with: trader rating, or having sponsor status/ads?

preferably to me would be vendors with both, the best of both worlds: a trader rating decently above 1 as well as a paid sponsor since they are at least supporting in part, the service(FC) which helps them list and place their valuable critters in viable homes all from the convenience of their own desk, couch, bed, smartphone, touchpad.. or toilet seat, even.