FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - People who "flake out" on deals.
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Old 10-07-2004, 10:00 AM   #21
Feedback and the BOI are great tools...if used well.
Sometimes it appears you have to wade through personal grudge to get to the truth...but, for what it is, it does work.
I think the reaction to the original poll depends on the amount and nature of the transaction. A wholesale breeder with a written contract for thousands of dollars that gets stiffed...I would definitely resort to much more severe means...as for legal recourse...I run a business...I have people back out of written and signed contracts all the time...for tens of thousands of dollars. But it is not worth suing them. If the work has not been performed (in a breeders case, animals haven't been shipped) there isn't a great amount of legal ramifications for the non-buyer and there isn't a lot of legal recourse for the seller.

Matt...I'll leave feedback about you as soon as my stuff gets here...You have been a pleasure to deal with...and prompt isn't even the word for the speed you dealt with me. INSTANTLY is a much better term...although your motivation may play a part in the whole process...every email probably gets visions of Boas dancing in your head