FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - For Sale Gaboon Viper
Thread: For Sale Gaboon Viper
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Old 04-12-2015, 08:18 PM   #26
Robert Walker
Originally Posted by blueracer View Post
Even though its been exposed as a scam the post is still up.
True John. Some scam ads that happen real quick with little membership involvement are removed almost instantly and no one is the wiser. In this instance, for me personally, I don't feel the need to remove the ad for a couple of reasons:
1. Hopefully everyone reading it at this point realizes it was a scam.
2. Hopefully everyone reading it can learn a thing or two about scammers
3. Hopefully everyone reading it can learn a thing or two about how fellow members acted for both the positive and the negative.

If another moderator or the site admin decide to remove it, that is their choice, but for me personally, I am inclined to leave it as an all around learning tool. If no one ever posted again on it, it would become buried, but folks continue to comment...