FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - is usark over stepping its rights by proposing rules for states without asking us
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Old 05-13-2015, 12:25 AM   #315
Originally Posted by Warren_Booth View Post
You had requested that I comment. I did not want to appear rude, therefore I came here to state that I am not in the position to comment, and that the person to direct your question/concerns to is Phil Goss, USARK president. I hope that gives you a little direction to move in.

Why has usarks board been so un involved in these matters. ..don't you all think it would help phil out if maybe some of the board members shouldered some of the minor responsibilities like keeping people informed...maybe if the board would have shown even a little interest in the organization they're on the board of wyatt wouldn't have been able to piss away around a million dollars of donation money