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Old 08-03-2015, 01:01 AM   #31
Originally Posted by skygear View Post
I understand and still anyone could give a false name upon registration is my point here. No one would be the wiser. Anyone could put in a false location or use a proxy to spoof the IP location so everything seems in line. If someone was going after some high dollar animals or scamming, that would be a method I could see people using.
See, that is the point. If someone is using a false name here and/or a false identity, that will likely be exposed during the transaction process. If someone asks another to send animals to someone whose name does not match what is in their account here, or the location is not even close, THAT should be red flags to them. Point of the matter, they have already been exposed in a lie, and that should count heavily towards the decision to trust them or not.

The POINT of the matter is that it is much easier to catch someone in a lie if you have something to go on. Requiring REAL FULL NAMES and accurate locations gives people here that something to use to help them avoid people who will lie about such things, and therefor provide pretty substantial evidence that they will also lie about other pertinent details as well.