FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Pet store robbery and Daytona show
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Old 08-12-2002, 06:52 PM   #56
DAVE DAVE DAVE....THIS IS NOT PEG..THIS IS LILL.YOU KNOW WHO I AM.The 13 foot snake neil was selling was sold and we saw him,he does not have any scars.
 I was not the one who brought jason and you into this.neither was peg.
 The pasco county detectives said no such thing.
  The pet store was brought up to the cops by 2 other store owners.
  And as for the 500. dollar comment,You keep talking about the news show,well you must not have been watching well because the animals that we have had to buy are worth more and we still have empty tanks.
  And we sure would be interested in finding a 13 foot albino female that is 8 years old and can be heldby anyone for 250.00.
  AND for my closing....the reporter was called by an anonymous caller...they taped 25 minutes worth of stuff and they picked what they wanted to play.Haven't you ever heard the expession you should believe half of what you hear?and you should know first hand that news articles really don't do people justice now do they?   LILL NOT PEG SHE IS MY BOSS