FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Pet store robbery and Daytona show
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Old 08-14-2002, 02:47 PM   #138
Neil Gubitz
Rob...it's possible he's in the middle of his Channel 13 interview!! He probably can't be disturbed on a closed set! lmao

John...Again...THIS THREAD has nothing to do with ME...I just happen to be the one taking the "point" and asking the questions...

In the last hour...I received TWO rather interesting phone calls....the first one was from a guy that used to work for one of the pet shops around here, telling me that since Dave SAID that he has NEVER been arrested for stealing animals...to check the local paper of a couple of years ago....there was a picture and everything...one of the other guys around here STILL HAS THE ARTICLE....about Dave stealing snakes from Dale Sargeant! I had forgotten about that! Didn't you do some time for that?

The second phone call was a little more interesting, it was from a large wholesaler in Florida who told me that Dave is outright LYING about the Albino Boa! I don't remember all the particulars, but there was a deal made to trade the Albino Boa for a 10-lot of baby Suriname Boas....Dave was actually going to drive down and do the deal in person! Unfortunately for Dave (or us), the owner of the baby Suri's caught wind of what has been going on up here, and smartly decided to cancel the deal! I was assured by the wholesaler that he would call this guy and see if he will post this himself! But...whether the NAMES of these individuals come out or not...you CAN believe them, because if I DID mention their names...EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU would know who it is!
So, what do you have to say now, Dave? Is that what you tried to do with the Albino Boa...trade it "under the table" so there would just be Suri's in it's place?....and YOU KNOW who I'm talking about, so don't even TRY to come on here and deny it! That's even if you come on here ever again....which I would doubt, at this point....

As is said....

..."Me thinketh thou doth protest too much..."

You've been CAUGHT! Give it up!

So Jason....you still think he's on the up and up? Get with the program, dude... or, bring your "water wings" so you don't drown with him! ....Neil