FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Morphs with Genetic Health Issues
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Old 02-10-2016, 09:57 PM   #6
Since your main question was answered via the link, I'll skip to the Survey:

1. Which of these morphs do you work with?
I own spider, HGW, and champagnes. No supers, but also have cinnamon, black pastel, and spotnose

2. Do some have more severe symptoms than others? Which ones? Are they of the same morph? Are they a combo of two or more morphs with genetic issues? Are they related?
I have a Pastel HGWG, and she has severe wobble and corkscrewing. That's how she was sold to me, but I was not made aware of this till I got home and was actually able to watch her. My spider HRA has a slight wobble during feeding, but her hit ratio on the first strike is about 80%.

3. When did they first start showing symptoms?
When I first got her/birth

4. What is the quality of life for them? Are they able to eat, shed, and breed on their own?
The spider isn't really affected except missing her meal on the first strike 20% of the time. The pastel HGWG, I had to assist feed for a while, and now she is starting to able to strike-ish on her own and has eaten on her own 3 times now.

5. Has one ever died or had to be euthanized because of their health issues?
I euthanized a normal baby I had that was severely kinked, and had a deformed jaw. Reason for the issues was unknown.

6. Have you ever bred a lethal combo before? If so, did the snake hatch or die in its egg? If it hatched, how long did it live?

7. Have you ever produced a chimera from a lethal combo? If so, did it hatch or die in its egg? How long did it live?

8. Are you very selective about which individuals get to breed? Do you keep some, or sell some, as pet only?

9. When you first got your snakes, were you aware of its genetic health problems? Have you educated others?
I knew of all the potential issues with all my snakes and combos, but I was not made aware of the severity of my PHGWG.

10. Do you have a thread/Facebook page/Youtube channel etc documenting working with these morphs?