FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - feeding rats with tumors
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Old 03-04-2016, 11:22 PM   #3
If the tumors are simply aberrant hyperproliferation of tissue, then it should not matter. Even if malignant cancers, it should not matter. What gets absorbed in the gut are small molecules post-digestion. Ions. Lipids. Vitamins. Amino acids (typically up to tripeptides). That sort of stuff. A deconstructed tumor soup is not going to be harmful in that way because what gets absorbed are the components and the components are of the same categories regardless of originating from a tumor or the tissue they dedifferentiated or proliferated from. Based on this, choosing not to feed these is more emotional than anything else. If you do not choose to feed these, that is of course not a problem aside from tossing out some meals you paid for.

My only (distant) potential concern would be tumors of some viral origins. Yes, there should be a very (very) low potential for zoonotic transmission between such distant animals, so I probably would not personally worry, but that is the only (again, distant) concern I would want to mention.

This is assuming nothing in the way of a causal chemical compound, of course.