FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - General genetics question
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Old 03-29-2016, 10:13 PM   #6
Originally Posted by rcarichter View Post
But, again, how can you be sure one of the parents is normal, and not het, if you're dealing with a trait that is non-visible as a het? Even if you bred it, you still can't be sure.
I may not be understanding this, and forgive me if I am not getting your question, but if we breed a homozygous clown gene ball Python to anything we will get all 100% het clowns, so what does it matter if one of the parents in your example are 100% not het for anything or not?
Hets can be achieved in many ways. A visual to a non het for example. Another being a visual to a het both of these examples would be 100% hets, a third being a het to het, these being 66% hets until proven het, and finally a het to a non het, these being 50% hets until proven otherwise.
Again sorry if I misunderstood.