FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - "Market Down the Toilet?"
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Old 07-09-2016, 09:48 PM   #2
Yes & no. Some people will always try to beat you up on prices no matter what your selling. If people can save a buck or two they feel like they got a good deal. Has the market dropped, in my opinion no. But like with anything the more you produce, the cheaper they are. Some morphs have dropped considerably, while others are still strong. Your always gona have a couple people out there that are selling something cheaper then the market value with mostly anything you purchase. For instance look at cars. Just cause you payed so much for something doesnt mean you can sell it for that. There is a few things that do work that way but not much in this day & age.
Dont sell urself or animals out for a few flakey people. Those people wont last in a industry like this. Also at the end of the day everyone has to do what works for them.
Good luck with your animals snow boa lover!!