FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Cages for Ball Pythons
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Old 07-31-2016, 10:27 AM   #3
Melinda has some great advice above. I don't use tanks for my ball pythons so I can't give you much input there, but I second the Herpstat recommendation. When I first started out I used VE thermostats exclusively, and over time became dissatisfied with them. The LED screens started flaking out, displaying all sorts of weird characters, and I couldn't trust them to hold temperature after that so I retired them. This happened to all 3 of the VEs I bought (2 VE100s and 1 VE200).

The only issue I've run into so far with Herpstats is that you can't stack them like you can the VEs. There's some sort of electrical interference that happens, and it whacks out the thermostat. Side by side with 2-3" separating them is fine. The menu can be a bit annoying to go through, but once set up they're pretty bombproof. I have two Herpstat 1s, and one Herpstat 2.