FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - SOLD!! CB Texas Horned lizard/ horny toads
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Old 09-08-2016, 05:00 AM   #14
Originally Posted by inv3ctiv3 View Post
This is a federally protected species you're trying to sell you know that right? These animals should be in the hands of someone who knows how to care for an animal that is so notorious for doing so poorly in captivity....It's a shame to see that these are just going to be distributed out to people and sold rather than do what's right for them but that's the nature of the pet trade I supposed, make a buck rather than look out for the animals best interest.
You are incorrect, 100% of the way. This is NOT a federally protected species:

They are also not considered endangered by any means. They are, in fact, a "least concern" animal according to the IUCN Red List, the database used to determine threatened species:

Further, this is a buy and sell forum. Do not try to push your subjective morality based on incorrect information in this forum. I am only responding because whether or not they are protected is relevant to the buying and selling of the animal; and your claim that they are could be detrimental to commerce. These are perfectly acceptable to be sold.