FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Question about markings
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Old 01-07-2017, 10:37 PM   #2
Dro B
Originally Posted by Chopper714 View Post
I have this Pinstripe Yellowbelly Het orange ghost. I noticed that she has these 2 black lines that run straight down under both of her eyes. like clown makeup. the lines are on both side and perfectly symmetrical. Its actually on top and bottom just very clean on the bottom. she also has dark emote looking markings on her head.

I looked at a variety of pins and YB but don't see any of that.

Did I just get lucky with some realy cool markings (in my opinion) or are these traits more common to the pins/yb and I'm just too new to realize this.

Here are a few pics, one is bad but all i have at the moment.

What do you guys think?

Also She is Het Orange Ghost from 2 different het OG lines. NERD and another I can't remember at the moment. Are these Het lines Compatible and does it make sense that I could get 1 or both of the 2 het lines coming out in offspring if paired with another ghost or het ghost?
If you are asking if you can assume she's het clown based off markings, absolutely not, but it could be something else these days I see new genes people don't realize are in thier animals every day but you can never assume that with something like this, het OG can have markers, but het for 2 lines doesn't sound likely because most OG's are compatable, so it would be similar to a mystic potion pairing, you either get mojave or mystic, not both, so it's impossible to say which line yours is het fir but with compatability of recessive they're essentially the exact same thing so that's not very important. Nice animal wither way!