FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Panther or veiled for 1st time owner?
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Old 04-26-2017, 04:02 PM   #5
Thank you both for your input!
Dyscophus- I had not heard anything about panthers not having as good of an appetite as adults. That is very good information. I have dealt with problem feeders in other species (BP and hognose snakes) and HATED it... I love reptiles that have good appetites when fed appropriately, so that is a big factor for me to consider.

Elena- Stress differences did not come up in any of my reading (forums, breeders' websites, etc.) so that is great info as well. Are you referring to stress from being handled, seeing other chameleons, etc.? This would be my only chameleon, but I did want to handle it in moderation to get it used to it for when I have to do cage maintenance, take it outdoors, etc. I am planning on this primarily being a "watch it" pet vs. one to be regularly handled.

Overall, you guys' responses seem to be going along with most of the information I found online that veileds are overall more hardy.

I would like to post a follow-up question for you guys (and anyone else that may know): Do you know of any reputable breeders / sites that sell quality veileds? I have only been able to find 2 large breeders (FLChams and veiledchameleon.com) and no small or medium-scale breeders.

Thank you again for your help!