FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Reptile Boarding Gone Wrong, a Cautionary Tale
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Old 06-14-2017, 02:37 PM   #7
Originally Posted by AbsoluteApril View Post
Oh that is so sad, I'm so sorry for your loss of Tiki!
I hope your fiancé would be willing to take them in, I'd probably get them over to your mom's asap just so they are out of that horrible place, sounds like the lady doesn't know what she is doing.
Have you tried contacting a local herp society? They might be a great source for you! I found this one in your area: http://www.dfwherp.org/
Good luck! I hope things improve and the rest of your critters find a good boarding home!
Thank you for the info! I'll check into that. I think I may have found a temporary solution for the rest of the summer (someone who runs a local pet store that will watch them for free in exchange for me coming and feeding the animals in he store while he is out of town. THANK YOU 2 years of pet store experience!!!!!) and then for the school year my fiancé and I were thinking about paying his little brother to watch them. I feel bad because he's already watching my water dragon and my cat, and I feel like my in-laws might not want his little brother to take them. But at least I won't have to deal with that until the fall and that gives them time to come around to it and me to look for an alternate solution.

I stayed up crying all night last nigt because I thought there was nothing I could do and I would just have to give my animals away for the sake of their well being, because that's what is most important to me. However, it seems like there are great people out there like you guys that are willing to provide info and resources to help someone in need. Thank you all so much, I'll keep this post updated, and maybe post some pictures.