FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Reptile color/genetics book?
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Old 12-14-2004, 11:21 PM   #5
Color Genetics

I just purchased my copy two days ago at IRBA show in Pomona!!! Was funny when I saw your post because I had also heard about this book awhile back from a couple different people that I had been discussing the color genetics of chondros. Thankfully, one of those friends was with me at the show and when at book table of local herp society and I rememered to ask him once again the name. I was so happy they had a "special" on it of $35 with only one copy... I snapped it up immediately!! Best deal of the day for me for sure.

I think the target audience for this pretty detailed scientific book is fairly small, but those of us with interest in the subject matter are thrilled to have such an excellent book at fingertips!