FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - HELP- NEW SAND BOA WONT EAT
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Old 09-08-2018, 09:55 PM   #1

Ok someone please give me some guidance, I'm a newbie with snakes. My sand boa Frida is my first snake, born November, I received her mid-July. So I'm new with picky eaters since my lizards always eat. The breeder who gave her to me said her last feeding was July 11th. I have tried EVERYTHING to get her to eat but I've ended up wasting 10 mice because she refuses. I use frozen/thawed, same as the breeder did. She ate for the breeder every time no problem. She seems active and healthy, not about to shed.

Here is everything I've tried:
-feeding at day
-feeding at night
-feeding IN the tank
-feeding in a SEPARATE container
-washing the pinkie to cleanse of manufacturer smells
-dragging pinkie along snake's back
-dangling in front of snake's face
-leaving pinkie in with snake overnight
-putting pinkie and snake in deli cup
-rubbing tuna on pinkie
-braining pinkie

The snake just turns away and ignores the pinkie everytime...someone please help I'm so frustrated and want her to be ok!

Set-up: aspen shavings over carpet, UTH 24/7, 50W bulb during the day, under aspen temps about 95 degrees, air temps averaging 80, water dish always, a hide and a plant