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Thread: More varmints!
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Old 05-12-2019, 06:18 PM   #3
Perhaps, but kind of odd that the other two plantings are using the exact same medium. One of the mounds is only about 12 ft. away from the mound they are dancing about on.

Didn't have any of the foxes paying any attention to the mound last night, so maybe they have gotten this out of their system now.

Did have a rabbit right around that mound, but never went right up to it. And that was before I spotted a fox just trotting up the driveway towards the gate to the right. So if it were the scent of the rabbit the foxes were interested in, I would have thought it would be nosing around that same area.

Been pulling some ripening peaches off of one of the trees the last few days, trying to get them before the varmints discover them and ravage the tree. Other two trees should be ripening soon. Of course, makes it a challenge walking down there with the yellow flies dive bombing me the entire way and back. They seem to just know when both of my hands are full. And they will bite right through my shirt like it isn't even there.

I am becoming a big fan of selective extinction.