FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
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Old 10-30-2020, 11:20 PM   #1
What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

I got some great news from my son that in a year he plans to move back to Texas. For now, though, I am not planning a big Thanksgiving it will just be me, my chihuahua and my kitty. I am still remaining extremely cautious about Covid so not inviting people over.

Past Thanksgivings I would buy a couple of turkeys and can up a bunch of turkey in quart jars, but I just don't feel like doing all that this year. They actually sell small smoked boneless turkey breast so I think I'll cook that, dressing, cranberry sauce, home made bread and some kind of pie.

Afterwards me and the critters (except for the fish and aquarium frog) will watch a movie on Netflix. This year I have found the ultimate comfort- bought a pair of recliners and the kitty will sit on one side and the chihuahua on the other while we watch and it is about 1,000 times more comfy than the sofa ever was.

Hope all of you will have a great Thanksgiving also.