FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Thinking about becoming a Bearded Dragon Owner.
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Old 01-26-2005, 05:50 PM   #5
That looks like an iggy or chamelon cage. My beardie enclosure is just a 40 gallon breeder. It's all glass and has a sliding screen top on it. (it looks sorta like an aquarium, only it's not as tall, it has more room for them to walk around, and it's made just for reptiles) I use a 150 watt overhead light and I also use a uv light for a few hours a week on him. What I found out, they do need some belly heat to help them digest their food, so I went out and found a large, flat rock and I put it under the light. So the light heats it up and he basks there after he eats and sleeps on it at night since it keeps the heat for a while. I hope this helps you.