FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Dubia issues with growth
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Old 01-21-2021, 09:02 PM   #3
Socratic Monologue
Since this thread is open, I'll assume it OK to respond with a non-vendor-review sort of comment. I'm going to phrase the first paragraph of it in a way that I believe would be permitted in the product review forum:


If this post should be there instead, I kindly ask that a mod move it there.

Without making any claims as to the quality or service of the vendor, I use the roach food that is sold by KFC (KFC brand roach food, I suppose), and have for five years or so. I get good growth and reproduction from dubias with it, and I will continue to use it. I also feed fresh veggie scraps and occasional fruit.

This comment is general, and applies to any vendor of any product:

Regarding weight vs count: if I get the right count but the roaches are smaller than the listed size, I feel gypped because I am getting less mass of feeder -- which is kind of what I paid for: number times size of each unit. Example: If I paid for 5 ice cream cones each 3 (standard sized) scoops big, but each of the five was only two (standard sized) scoops big, I got ripped off.

If I order by weight and get the correct weight but fewer roaches than the average/normal/typical/usual number, I'm a bit displeased but don't feel as if I got ripped off. Example: If I order a gallon of ice cream divided into two-scoop portions, but I got a gallon divided into three-scoop portions, I didn't exactly get it how I wanted it, but I did get the correct amount of ice cream.